find fault with anyone; Don’t create enmity with anyone; Don’t take part with anyone in dispute; Don’t be the cause of miseries of
Remember Krsna Never Forget Krsna
that comes upon us should be accepted as the mercy of Krsna for our purification and for his
we do – the result is enjoyed by Krsna More Click below::::--->
things that are favorable to Devotional service
the mistake, Confess & don’t
repeat; Pray for involving in devotional service
instrument in the hand of Krsna
enjoyed is the best
Meek and Humble always
10. Before
buying the gold, know the quality of gold
11. Behavior
is the ornament of Vaishnava
12. Completely
perfect and perfectly complete
13. Conclusion
is more important than contents
14. While
in happiness, don’t give any promise
15. Don’t
use your intelligence before the Guru
16. Don’t
have false humility
17. Don’t
pray to anyone else in any time
18. Don’t
be attracted by the intermediate beauty
19. Don’t
try to control the world, control yourself
20. Devoted
means living for the pleasure of Krsna
21. Don’t
see outwardly; see inwardly- hidden hand of Krsna
22. Don’t
blame anyone, realize your mistakes
23. Devotees
will never perish
24. Don’t
lose faith in Krsna at any circumstance
25. For
a gentle man this is not a place to live
26. Familiarity
breeds contempt
27. Faith
can’t be blind but seen
28. Fruits of one’s activities reveals who he is
29. False
Ego will lead to destruction
30. Find
fault within not in others
31. Friend
is one who helps the soul not the body
32. For
Higher purpose lower level rules can be broken
33. Giving
up false ego one gets Krsna’s mercy
34. Great
loss in this world is to lose faith in Krsna
35. Have
full faith in Krsna for His protection
36. Giving
pleasure to Krsna is love of God
37. Impossible
made possible by Krsna
38. If
one neglects the Supreme, his life is mere waste
39. If
you want to be happy, serve Krsna
40. If
you give fruits of your action, you are not the loser
41. If
you don’t take food as medicine (prasadam), you end up eating Medicines as
42. If
you keep Krsna in the center, you will not cheat anyone
43. If
you increase devotional service, your material obligation will come down
44. If
we glorify the Lord, our Anarthas will go away
45. Krsna
is the property of materially improvised
46. Krsna
gives you what you need not what you want
47. Krsna Never Commits mistakes
48. Krsna
is the Saturation Point
49. Krsna
is the real friend and Supreme Controller
50. Krsna
never punishes anyone wrongly
51. Life’s
aim is not to enjoy
52. Learn
from history, Don’t imagine things
53. Material
help is not permanent help
54. Material
world – both good or bad – bad
55. No
one can see Krsna with his defective eyes
56. Go
to Krsna Bhava from your svabhava through Sadhana
57. Never
pray for any material boons
58. No
Material impediments in Krsna Consciousness
59. While
you are unhappy you remember Krsna
60. No
criticism in Krsna Consciousness
61. One
who concocts can never become Vaishnava
62. One
who does Sadhana regularly, Krsna helps such devotee
63. One
can do devotional service, but only Krsna
can wipe out sinful reactions if He is pleased
64. One
should not think to wipe out his sinful reactions by doing devotional service
65. One
can think like this- if he does Devotional service,
he can avoid doing sinful activities.
66. One
can’t come out sex life on his own endeavor
67. One
should approach bonafide Spiritual master, inquire, render service
68. By
mental speculation one can’t understand Krsna
69. One
who works for Krsna don’t have next birth
70. Our
Life Aim is not to forget Krsna
71. One
is wasting his life if he doesn’t get Vaishnavas’s mercy
72. One
can’t understand the truth if one is not beyond three modes of nature
73. Pronounce
Hare Krsna Maha Mantra clearly and hear properly
74. Pray
to Krsna to concentrate on Mantra not problems
75. Please
Krsna by becoming His confidential servant
76. Purification
means transformation to original constitutional position
77. Preachers
are beyond clutches of death
78. Person
who wants to become perfect never give any excuses
79. Perform
duty on order of Guru
80. Pray
to get devotional service only
81. Problems
means absence of Krsna
82. Preaching
has to be done with compassion
83. Pastimes
of Krsna is not for time pass
84. Remove
Kama (lust), Krodha(anger), Lobha(Greed), Moha (illusion), Mada (pride), Matsarya (envy) from the heart to reach Krsna
85. Rejects
things that are un-favorable to Devotional service
86. Realized
souls never fall down
87. Realized
knowledge is more beneficial than acquired knowledge
88. Rectifying
the mistakes and leading the life is better than
hiding the mistakes and lead the life
89. Respect
seniors; otherwise everything will be doomed
90. Adopt
Krsna Conscious principles and lead life
91. Students
may make mistakes, but preachers can’t do mistakes
92. Symptom
of not having false ego is you don’t expect respect from others
93. A
perfect can make an imperfect the perfect
94. Spiritual
world – both good or bad – good
95. Severe
the attachment by transcendental knowledge
96. Accept
the situation and do not try to come out of it
artificially but try to see cause of all causes Hidden hand of Krsna.
97. See
the hidden hand of Krsna
98. Sufferings
are due to the problems lying within you
99. Solution
is lying within
100. There
is a purpose behind each action
101. Till
one reaches Brahma Bhuta stage one needs to be in training
102. Tolerate
the inconveniences for the pleasure of Krsna
103. Unless
we sacrifice our pleasure for higher purpose, we can’t help others
104. Use
Material assets for Krsna’s pleasure
105. Use
your senses to give happiness to Krsna
106. Vaishnava
don’t do activities for name, fame, prestige
107. Verify
anything with formula "Sadhu, Sastra, Guru, Vakya, Cittate Koriya
108. Vaishnava
lives in the present, never thinks of future / past
109. Vaisnavas
never take revenge of anyone
110. Vaishnava
means Para Dukha Duhki
111. Vaisnavas
always depend on Krsna
112. Vaishnava’s
first duty is to respond
113. Vaisnavas
take more responsibility and advance
114. Vaishnavas
act like salt
115. Be
prepared to change the lifestyle to know the Absolute Truth
116. Bad
things happen because of unwanted desires
117. Breaking
bricks is not profession, but punishment
118. We
can’t set right out difficulties on our own
119. We
can’t avoid the desires, but route them to satisfy Krsna’s senses
120. While
in distress, pray – Krsna if you like, please allow it to continue, otherwise
stop this distress condition
121. Without
Krsna’s will even blade of Grass
doesn’t move
122. While
in anger, don’t open your mouth
123. We
will never get distressed if we give happiness to Krsna
124. We
can’t change anything of this world except our activities
125. While
in distress, don’t make any decision
126. Serving
Krsna is the topmost